Code Young Digital التطبيقات

Kamus Inggris Indonesia 1.0
Code Young Digital
Lebih dari 4.700 entri dan indera telahditambahkan , termasuk istilah dari bidang seni dan olah raga ,ilmu pengetahuan dan kedokteran , komputer dan internet , makanan ,bisnis, politik , dan hukum ( contoh termasuk biodefense ,pertandingan kandang , celebutante , derecho , deleverage , hashtag, stevia , dan webinar ) . Puluhan ribu revisi telah dilakukanuntuk indera yang ada , untuk membawa mereka up-to - date dan untukmencerminkan penggunaan saat ini .More than 4,700 entriesand senses have been added, including the terms of the arts andsports, science and medicine, computers and internet, food,business, politics, and law (examples include biodefense, homegame, celebutante, derecho, deleverage, hashtag , stevia, andwebinars). Tens of thousands of revisions have been made to theexisting senses, to bring them up-to - date and to reflect currentusage.
My Quran Digital - Malaysia 2.0
Code Young Digital
Terbaru dan terkini!Aplikasi Quran Digital terkini dalam bahasa Melayu.Mengandungi bacaan Al-Quran 30 juzuk dari Sheikh AbdurrahmanSudais.Tafsir dalam bahasa Melayu. Dan banyak lagi.Biodata Sheikh Abdurrahman SudaisKongsikan dengan rakan-rakanNew and updated!Applications Latest Digital Quran in Malay language.Consists of reading the Quran 30 constituents of Sheikh AbdurrahmanSudais.Exegesis in the Malay language. And much more.Biodata Sheikh Abdurrahman SudaisShare with friends
Kamus Bahasa Sansekerta 1.0
Code Young Digital
Berencana untuk belajar Sansekerta ?Berikutadalah tempat yang tepatKamus menyajikan yang terbaik dapat menawarkan , dengansemuakualitas yang user-friendly yang telah dibedakan namaselamabeberapa dekade . Ini adalah favorit newsroom dan copyeditorsnasional .Plan to learnSanskrit?Here is the right placeDictionaries present the best can offer, with all thequalityuser-friendly that have distinguished name for decades. Itis afavorite national newsrooms and copy editors.
Unifi Checker Wifi Speed Test 1.0
Code Young Digital
Check unifi & streamyx coverage inyourarea. Easy to use app.Plan to have wifi, this is the easiest way to have it atyourfinger tipsAlso can be used to check maxis fiber, p1wifi and yes internet
Kamus Jepang Indonesia 1.0
Code Young Digital
Kamus ini memiliki gaya yang jelas dandapatdiakses mendefinisikan , catatan sinonim berlimpah , satuhalamanpenuh tabel dan grafik , ratusan gambar yang melengkapidefinisi ,dan bimbingan otoritatif pada penggunaan dan gaya poin.This dictionary hasastyle that is clear and accessible to define, recordabundantsynonyms, full-page tables and graphs, hundreds of imagesthatcomplement the definition, and authoritative guidance on theuseand style points.
Grab Car Driver Signup Program 1.0
Code Young Digital
Wanna make RM1000 at least a week. Comeandjoin us. We provide training from A to Z to become successfulinGrab Car Full / Part Time. PM us your HP number
KLIA Taxi Car Grab KualaLumpur 1.0
Code Young Digital
Going to KLIA and around. Book withdiscount& ride the latest model of cars.Booking App for KLIA inbound and outbound.We are the group of drivers using Grab Car and Uber.With the latest model of cars and superb services, youwilldefinitely enjoy your stay and rides inKuala Lumpur
Lagu Raya Koleksi 1.0
Code Young Digital
Sajian dan himpunan lagu-lagu dan videohariraya ever green sepanjang zaman.Dari tahun 1980-an hingga lagu raya terkini dariartis-artisterkemuka tanah air.Peringatan:Aplikasi ini menghimpunkan lagu-lagu raya dari koleksi diinternet.Hanya link disediakan.Tiada fail lagu dilampirkan dalam aplikasi ini untuk menjagahakprivasi dan hakcipta syarikat rakaman.Dining and repertoireofsongs and video festival of all time ever green.From the 1980s until the last song of the leading artists ofthecountry.Warning:This application brings together songs from the collection ontheinternet highway. Only link provided.No song files attached to this application to protect privacyrightsand copyright recordings.
Grab Car Promo Code Malaysia 1.0
Code Young Digital
Are you looking for a Uber or grabcarpromocode to save yourself some money on their convenientridesharingservice?This app provides promotions that are intended for new userstoacquire in-app credit toward their first ride.This app is not owned or operated by the ride sharingcompany.Hence, we do not work directly for Lyft, Inc or Uber,Inc.
Save Gaza App 1.0
Code Young Digital
Layari portal Save Gaza. Berita terkini,gambar& video. Layari portal ini sambil menderma kepadarakyatPalestine.Save the portalvisitGaza. The latest news, photos & videos. Visit this portalwhiledonating to the people of Palestine.
A Dollar Shop - Favorite Store 4.0
Code Young Digital
A Dollar Shop - Pay Shipping Only. Gettrending products at 90% OFF what you would pay at your localstores. Get the smartest deals on headphones, watches, speakers,phone upgrades, car accessories, and electronics directly on yourphone. We go directly to the manufacturers to get you the bestdeals on stuff you want. So don't get up, keep sitting and shopsmart and we'll take care of the rest.
KLIA Airport Taxi Grab 1.0
Code Young Digital
Need transport to KLIA? Compare thecheapestrate and the fastest time. Also available for otherairport
GoRide.My Motoride Malaysia 1.0
Code Young Digital
GoRide.My ™’s multi-award winningmobileapplication is Malaysia’s personal time-saver. With over250,000drivers nationwide, we are an all-in-one mobile app thatprovidesaccess to all motor rides transportation, delivery,lifestyle andpayment services to fit your daily needs. You name it,we’ll do it,INSTANTLY!Our main service GoRide.My™ is GO-RIDE - our coremotorcycletransport service that takes you anywhere easier andfaster.GoRide.My™ has been featured on multiple news channelsincludingCNN, BBC, WSJ, CCTV, Reuters and almost every localpublications.Download our app and try it out. We may just save theday!
Grab Car Driver Signup 1.0
Code Young Digital
1 hour signup. Make Money to drive uberorgrabcar. Signup Now. Fast signup and process.